How the DishDrawer™ Dishwasher Inspires Design Freedom

Over time, the kitchen has evolved in tune with the changing social dynamics and demographics of the home. We've seen the rise of multi-generational living, the decline of the nuclear family as a predominant structure, empty nesters ageing in place and a burgeoning “boomerang generation” contributing to nests more full than empty. Naturally, along with such demographic shifts we are seeing the ways we eat, shop, cook and even wash up changing too, which, in turn has influenced the ways we design, plan and assign functions to the spaces in our homes.

At different times of the day, the kitchen can be part office, school or café, changing with the clock to accommodate a broad range of uses alongside the traditional role of food preparation. As a consequence, there has been increased interest in new approaches to spatial planning and aesthetic directions.

The products we design for these spaces have evolved too. Cooking, cooling and cleaning solutions, inspired by human insight, can inspire new behaviours and allow new layouts and designs.

Zones do more than make the best use of space, they enhance the way we use the kitchen. Appliances precisely crafted to human-scale measurements and movements allow us to create functional zones, extending the possibilities of the work triangle. However, while the work triangle creates a clear path between stove, sink and storage, it's a concept based on one person's experience of the kitchen and focused on efficiency.

Today the kitchen has been democratised. Cooking is often a collaborative act. Through overlapping cooking, cooling and cleaning zones, we can establish a more nuanced, collective experience of the kitchen.

In many homes, running the dishwasher is a morning or evening event. The capacity and energy efficiency of the DishDrawer™ Dishwasher changes that. Breakfast dishes can be done at breakfast time. Like-with-like wash cycles of glassware, pots and pans, or bakeware are easily coordinated. A dinner party's place settings can be taken care of incrementally throughout the evening – rather than all at once at the end of the night. A deeper format DishDrawer™ Dishwasher has been designed to accommodate larger place setting.

We believe appliance distribution should be motivated by movement scenarios within the kitchen. Planning should define the distribution of products around lifestyle. How do you use the kitchen? Where do you make your morning coffee? Eat your toast? Do you like guests to be in the kitchen while you're cooking? If so, where should they sit? What do you like to cook and how? Do many hands make light work? Or is cooking and cleaning a singular event? Does the kitchen flow into the rest of the house? And can spatial zones improve the overall experience?

Our changing relationship with food

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Five ideas for a more flexible kitchen

Achieve design freedom with the Series 11 DishDrawer™ Dishwasher..
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