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Climate Control

Create a refrigeration combination that exudes luxury and gives complete precision and control over the way you store food. From fresh ingredients to fine wines, the best refrigeration provides the perfect climate to keep food fresher, longer.

NZ's Most Trusted Large Kitchen Appliances Brand

As voted by New Zealanders for 24 consecutive years.

Ultimate Kitchen Solutions

Experience the pinnacle of refrigeration with a suite of Columns that combine to make a bold statement and elevate the design aesthetic of the kitchen.

Choose to hero your refrigeration and wine storage with brushed stainless steel finishes, or integrate them into the kitchen cabinetry for an understated and clean look.

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Temperature, humidity and storing complementary foods together to slow aging all play a role in keeping ingredients fresh and nutritious.

Conventional wisdom tells us that food stored cold lasts longer. But perfect storage conditions are also specific to the ingredient.

Separate Spaces for
Fresher Produce

While apple and watercress may come together to form an amazing culinary creation in a salad, storing them in the same place before the meal is ready to come together can make for an underwhelming result on the plate.

A wide range of fruits produce ethylene as they ripen – a gas that speeds up the degradation of many vegetables and berries. Apples, kiwifruit, peaches and tomatoes are just some of the fruits in the modern kitchen that produce ethylene, while leafy greens, cucumbers, cauliflower and broccoli are highly sensitive to it.

Having the ability to store fruits and vegetables separately not only allows you to dial in the perfect temperature and humidity, but also ensures both remain fresher longer.

We want every part of the fridge to be as intuitive as possible, and designed to fit our customers’ needs. That’s why we take our cues directly from the people who own and use our products.

Mark Haydon – Chief Designer

Not All Freezing is Created Equal

Keeping foods below freezing is not just a question of what you are storing, but when – when in the maturation process of the ingredient it is being frozen, and when it will be consumed.

While a deep freeze is perfect for meat being stored for months to come, a lamb roast you plan to cook on the weekend needs a different treatment. It needs to be kept cold enough to keep the meat fresh, without the need to defrost and risk losing moisture and nutrients.