Oven Inner Glass Door, pdp

Oven Inner Glass Door

The oven door is made up of three pieces of glass, the inner, middle and outer glass. This is the inner glass panel. If you have a double oven please check the list below carefully as the parts could be different for each oven.


OB60S Single Oven Models -  OB60S3LCX1, OB60S9DEM1, OB60S9DEX1, OB60SCCX1, OB60SCEW1/2/3, OB60SCEX1/2/3, OB60SCMW1/2/3, OB60SCMX1/2/3, OB60SCRX1, OB60SDEM1/2, OB60SDEX1/2, OB60SDTM1/2, OB60SDTX1/2, OB60SLCX 2, OB60SLMFLX1, OB60SLMFRX1, OB60SLMFX1/2/3, OB60SLRX1, OB60SVMX1/2/3.

OB60B Double Oven - Only the lower oven uses this part. OB60BCEX1, OB60BDEM1, OB60BDEX1.

OB60D Double Oven - Only the upper oven uses this part OB60DDEM1/2/3, OB60DDEX1/2/3.

Range OR Double and Single Ovens - Both ovens use this part OR120DDWGFX1, OR60SDBGX1, OR60SDBSX1.

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Oven Inner Glass Door